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/Spanish Startup Law and attraction of international investment and talent

Key Measures:
  1. Notary-driven registration: Company registration with the Commercial Registry can now be completed directly through the notary handling the company’s incorporation process.
  2. Extended residence authorizations The validity of initial residence authorizations for entrepreneurs, investors, and foreign students has been extended. This includes facilitating the issuance of the NIE (Foreign Identification Number) and introducing a “Digital Nomad Visa.”.
  3. Reduced bureaucratic requirements for foreign investors The sole requirement is the electronic application for a Tax Identification Number (NIF) from the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT), with an online procedure and a resolution time of just 10 business days.
  4. Favourable tax regime for highly skilled workers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors: These individuals and their families may opt to be taxed under the Non-Residents Income Tax (Impatriates Regime) for the year they relocate to Spain and the following five years. The tax rate is set at a general 24% up to €600,000 of taxable income
  5. Reduced corporate tax rate for startups: The corporate tax rate for startups is lowered from 25% to 15% for the first four tax periods. Additionally, startups can defer tax payments for the first two periods, with no need for guarantees or interest on arrears, and are exempt from making advance payments..
  6. National Entrepreneurship Office (ONE): The ONE will coordinate and streamline entrepreneurship support services in collaboration with all relevant public and private entities. It will serve as a one-stop service center for entrepreneurs.
Certification Process: Order PCM/825/2023, of July 20, regulates the criteria and procedure for certifying emerging companies that are eligible for the benefits and special provisions outlined in the law. The certification process is managed through the Enisa. platform. The application form can be completed via the following link. The user guide is available for download here, and frequently asked questions can be accessed here.
Enisa Certification Process: The application form can be completed via the following link

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