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/Inscribe a company in the Mercantile Registry

Basic information on the procedure.

/ Object

/ Basic information

How to inscribe a company in the Mercantile Registry:
All the procedures for incorporating the company must have been carried out previously, according to the corporate form chosen.
There are two ways of inscribing the company in the Mercantile Registry:
  1. At the notary: the registration of the company in the Mercantile Registry may be carried out directly at the Notary Office where the incorporation of the company is formalized.
  2. Directly by the applicant: in the case of processing by the applicant, the following steps must be followed:
    1. Fill out the Mercantile Registry application form Individual entrepeneurs must fill out the following application form.
    2. Make the provision of funds in any of the specified ways. Where applicable, file the Comunity of Madrid’s model 600 tax return form
    3. Submit the registration application at the Madrid Mercantile Register, accompanied by the corresponding documentation.

/ Links to the municipal areas and institutions in charge of the procedure

/ Approximate costs

The cost will vary depending on the type of company to be registered.

/ Resolution period

In general, the maximum period for registration is 15 days.

/ Professional knowledge required

The formality of registering the company will be carried out at the Mercantile Registry of Madrid.

/ Where and how to submit documentation

The company’s registration can be done directly by the notary where the company is being formed, or in person by the interested party at the Madrid Mercantile Register.

/ Modalities

/ Type of procedure

Incorporating a company | Registering a company

/ Version and date of the last update

Version 1.0 Date September 2023

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