| of Law 14/2013, of September 27, supporting entrepreneurs and their internationalization.
Visa Process:
Embassies and Consulates The applicant can either apply personally or through an accredited representative.
Note: Some consulates have outsourced the visa processing to an external provider (BLS). However, the final decision on granting the visa is made by the Spanish consulate or diplomatic mission.
Once in Spain:
If international teleworkers wish to continue residing in Spain, they may apply for a residence authorization for international remote workers up to 60 days before their visa expires, provided the conditions for their eligibility are maintained.
If the applicant is already in Spain legally, they must apply for the residence authorization for international teleworkers at the Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Colectivos Estratégicos (UGE-CE), and the authorization is valid for three years.
Eligible Applicants
Professionals who can prove they are graduates or postgraduates from recognized universities, vocational training, or business schools, or have at least three years of relevant professional experience
Freelancers can qualify as international teleworkers, provided they demonstrate a professional relationship with a foreign company through a commercial contract for at least three months and have authorization to relocate to Spain.
Social Security Requirements:
Employees: The company must register with Social Security to affiliate the teleworker.
Freelancers: The worker must register with the Self-Employed Workers’ Regime (RETA).
Alternatively, workers may maintain their home country’s Social Security coverage if an agreement exists between Spain and their home country
Special Considerations
If the company has a branch in Spain, the worker would be considered a transferred employee (ICT) and not an international telewor.
Other Requirements:
Not being in Spain illegally
No criminal record in Spain or countries where the applicant has lived in the last five years
Health insurance, either public (via Social Security) or private with coverage comparable to the Spanish system.
Sufficient financial resources for the applicant and their family during their stay in Spain.
Average Processing Times:
Visa applications are resolved in 10 business days.
Residence authorizations take up to 20 days from submission
/ Family Unit
The following family members may apply for residence authorization and visa:
Spouse or domestic partner
Minor children
Dependent adult children
Dependent ascendants
If the applications for the main applicant and their family members are submitted simultaneously, they will be processed together.
/ Estimated Costs
Work authorization fee: 73,26 €
Visa fee: approximately: 80 € (depending on the country).