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/Digital Nomads

/ Objective

/ Legal Basis

Art. 74| of Law 14/2013, of September 27, supporting entrepreneurs and their internationalization.
Visa Process:
Embassies and Consulates
However, the final decision on granting the visa is made by the Spanish consulate or diplomatic mission.
  • Employees: The company must register with Social Security to affiliate the teleworker.
  • Freelancers: The worker must register with the Self-Employed Workers’ Regime (RETA).
Other Requirements:
  • Not being in Spain illegally
  • No criminal record in Spain or countries where the applicant has lived in the last five years
  • Health insurance, either public (via Social Security) or private with coverage comparable to the Spanish system.
  • Sufficient financial resources for the applicant and their family during their stay in Spain.
Average Processing Times:
  • Visa applications are resolved in 10 business days.
  • Residence authorizations take up to 20 days from submission

/ Family Unit

The following family members may apply for residence authorization and visa:

  • Spouse or domestic partner
  • Minor children
  • Dependent adult children
  • Dependent ascendants

If the applications for the main applicant and their family members are submitted simultaneously, they will be processed together.

/ Estimated Costs

  • Work authorization fee: 73,26 €
  • Visa fee: approximately: 80 € (depending on the country).

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