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/Basic licence

Basic information on the procedure.

/ Object

/ Basic information

Steps to follow in the procedure:
  1. Verify that the works to be carried are subject to the urban planning license regime.
  2. Fill out the self-assesment form for the urban planning services fee and make the payment through one of the established methods. In applicable cases, you must also pay the Constructions, Installations and Works Tax or ICIO (Impuesto sobre Construcciones, Instalaciones y Obras) and other relevant taxes.
  3. Collect the necessary documentation to submit with your application. You can find a list of required documents in the “Documentation” tab of the basic licence section of the city council website. Important: The basic license is a prerequisite for the urban planning license. Therefore, all documentation required for the urban planning license must be submitted together with the basic license application.
  4. Submit the basic license application through the electronic platform or, if applicable, in person.
    You must have an electronic identification and electronic signature system
  5. Within one month of submitting the application, the decision to grant or deny the basic license will be made, allowing for the initiation of the construction works as specified in the Ordinance.
  6. The urban license’s resolution, subsequent to the basic license approval, will be determined within a maximum of one month, following a compliance check and the preparation of a technical and legal report, which will include a proposal for either approval or denial. The City Council or a Collaborating Urban Development Entity (ECU), where appropriate, are authorized to carry out verification, control, and inspection activities.

/ Links to the municipal areas and institutions in charge of the procedure

/ Approximate costs

  • Payment of the urban planning services fee through self-assessment: the amount will depend on the urban planning activity to be carried out.
  • In cases where it is applicable, payment of the Construction, Installations and Works Tax (ICIO) through self-assessment.
  • Payment of any other applicable taxes.

/ Resolution period

Basic urban planning licencesare processed within 1 month.

/ Professional knowledge required

/ Where and how to submit documentation

/ Modalities

Through this procedure, you can request the following types of basic urban planning licenses:
  • Activity (establishment)
  • Activity (modification)
  • Activity (construction only)
  • Residential

/ Type of procedure

Registering an activity| | City Council | Urban planning | Urban planning licence

/ Version and date of the last update

Version 1.0 Date September 2023

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